Community building and resources

Best Practices for Archival Accessioning

    • Proposal to develop Best Practices for Archival Accessioning developed [Summer 2020]
    • Reviewed and approved to move forward by SAA Standards [October 2020]
    • Accessioning Best Practices Working Group is charged for a three-year term to develop and share best practices for archival accessioning [Summer 2021 to Fall 2024]
    • New site created for project 


Representation for Accessioning within Society of American Archivists


Accessioning Collective Slack Channel


Comprehensive Survey on Role of Accessioning in Effective Archival Stewardship

    • Survey deployed for contributions [Fall 2019/early Winter 2020]
    • Open data set to be made available in future [forthcoming]


Behind the Archives Podcast 

    •  Interview with Meaghan and Rosemary about accessioning + their research for Emory Library’s podcast series–listen!