Our research

In 2019, we began a long-term research project to examine archival accessioning labor profiles throughout the United States, including:
  • administering a comprehensive survey and developing an open access dataset
  • conducting site visits to a diverse cross-section of archival repositories 
  • fostering a community of practice focused on archival accessioning
  • developing and publishing formal best practices for archival accessioning in the United States

We feel strongly that accessioning is the first and most crucial step in effective stewardship of special collections material; when it is not done well, repositories turn into inaccessible warehouses and donors stop trusting institutions to take care of their legacies. Hence, in addition to the more tangible outcomes of the project outlined above, we hope to forge relationships with other colleagues doing the work of archival accessioning and establish a formal network to share innovative ideas, troubleshoot challenges, and ensure that archival accessioning is being skillfully and sensitively performed across the profession.

It is our hope that this research will center accessioning more prominently within the archival discourse and encourage robust engagement from our colleagues. As our project continues, we will add resources to this site.

Questions? Ideas? Excitement? Get in touch!

And please visit this project’s new site!